Hey, the address is empeg.comms.net....note the empeg part. We wouldn't want to confuse the poor Karma people would we?

All kidding aside, you can turn this around too; it wouldn't be fair to them either, they would always be second class citizens here. Let's face it, if we started a public Karma board here, we would monopolize the Karma talk across the net. We would have a serious head start in knowledgable people with them and we have some of the creators of the software posting here. So that would make us the de facto place to go. It is going to be hard for them to forge a community of their own with the Empeg community ever-present. Hell, it is going to be hard enough if they all go someplace else and the 50 people who are going to be getting Karmas from this board (and I am going to be one) descend on them en masse. Let them have their own home where they don't have to fight us to be heard.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB