and anyone who lets a friend drink and drive (or who abandons someone who's had too many) is just as despicable.
Just in case that was somewhat directed towards me

, I never let that happen (knowingly). I thew about 6
large parties at my place in my college career, in which there were many people drinking. I didn't let people drive home drunk or slightly intoxicated.
I did have a roommate last year (who I wasn't close with), who would often go out to the delis (the drinking spots at my school), and drive home without a DD. I didn't like it, but there wasn't a lot I could do about it (I could have gone with him, you say? That's not very fair to me, considering I couldn't babysit someone 8 years older than me every single weekend night).
The problem I have with drinkers is simply when they affect other people. At those parties I've mentioned, people who have been drinking have hurt others by saying or doing things that they probably wouldn't have done sober, and that's when I have to say it's pathetic. Otherwise, I know it's just something people do. My roommates have generally been the types to have some beer(s) during a football game, and that's cool. I prefer a nice, tall, ice-cold coke, but that's just me.