If I understand it correctly you are going to want to use the new and repeat episodes option. Even though that option is recording shows you have already seen for other season passes, it doesn't matter what it records for "The West Wing" b/c you haven't seen any of them. Therefore, you are going to want all of the new episodes that are aired along with all of the repeat episodes.

I guess that would become a problem when you do start watching them if the same episode is repeated but the answer to that is to just wait before you start watching.

EDIT: 200th post! WooHoo!
Also, I don't own a Tivo and I was simply going off your description so my theory could be totally off base.

Edited by Russmeister (17/02/2004 13:02)
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi