Updating this thread...

I like my Tivo. I told it to record "Repeats and First Run". I printed out the episode guide that Dignan linked and stuck it on my coffee table.

Now, about once a week, I hit "view upcoming episodes" and uncheck any episode that isn't in sequence based on the episode guide. Tivo seems to (mostly) do what I want it to do. It's getting almost every single episode, from the beginning of the series, in sequence.

Bravo is running other episodes besides the from-the-beginning episodes. But Tivo mostly ignores those, only occasionally selecting one of them for recording. So I just have a quick glance through the list and uncheck one or two episodes.

One interesting thing happened. Comparing the printed episode guide to the upcoming episodes list, I noticed there was a hole in the episode list at one point. I didn't want to miss an episode, and I was a little worried. So I looked closely at the episodes it was getting and noticed that all the from-the-beginning episodes were being aired Mon-Thurs at 4pm PST. I went to the main DirecTV program guide and rolled up to the date/time that the "missing" episode should have appeared. There, in the spot that should have listed an episode of West Wing, was a blank spot of one hour. Clearly, the DirecTV program guide was missing its data for that date/time. So I told Tivo to record that hour, even though the program said "unknown". It recorded that spot faithfully and got the episode I wanted. By the time it got around to actually airing, the guide had been updated, so the show had the correct tag information attached to it by the time I got around to watching it.

Cool stuff.

It's too bad ReplayTV boxes don't have a DirectTV antenna input on them, I'm really curious how they'd compare to the Tivo and would love to try it out.
Tony Fabris