I've never found the "Record First Run Only" to be reliable, because it uses the guide data to find the keywords "First Run" and I've seen guide data that said BOTH First Run and Repeat in it! What's up with that?
Actually, based on times the TiVo has screwed up, it seems that part of the data that the TiVo is supposed to get is a first-air date. It uses this to determine if it's a new episode or not. Apparently, USA doesn't supply this data, which means that Monk and The Dead Zone never appear to be first run. This actually also got screwed up the first week NBC moved Scrubs to Tuesday.

Of course, it may be that the TiVo generates that first run label. Or it may be that it's included in the description. Regardless, I've seen shows listed as both First Run and Repeat, too. Never seems to do the wrong thing except in a couple of specific cases, though.

Regardless, Tony wants First Run plus Repeats.
Bitt Faulk