Yes, Civil Union <> Marriage.

How would you define the difference (apart from religious or ritual elements, which I dont' think, as I said, should be in the domain of government regulation, unless the state in question is a theocracy) ?

Many consider a "Marriage" to be a bond between a man and a woman usually with religious connotations. Two persons of the same sex do not fit that definition. IMO it would be much easier for many to accept a new definition of Civil Union (whatever the definition ends up to be) rather than mess with their existing definition of Marriage. Using “Civil Union” many gays (or others) could get the entitlements many believe they should have.

It also helps to yes, separate the two as well. Separate does not always mean worse or better just different. For example – “I am in a Civil Union bond with Pat” If Civil Union is defined as a bond between the same sex then you know what sex Pat is.