To be political correct to me in many cases ignores the facts or truth in order to keep from possibly hurting someone’s feelings.

The flip side of that coin is avoiding the truth to avoid hurting your own feelings. Case in point:

In my head Civil Union should be defined as a bond between two of the same sex or even expanded to cover two of the opposite sex that want to have no religious connotations attached.

Marriage already exists as a solely legal definition. No religious connotations need be made in order to go to the Justice of the Peace. I understand that you might wish for the term "marriage" to be given to religious institutions and left alone by the government, but that's ship's already sailed. I'm sure that this is the argument you use when defending the "under God" clause of the Pledge of Allegiance and the references to God in other US papers, including monies. (And let's not point out the other definitions of "marry" that have nothing to do with the union of people.)

That does not make one better or worse just by definition different.

I'm sorry, but segregation is always worse.

I understand that you'd like to keep the term "marriage" for religious institutions, and if you could magically change things so that the term "marriage" was not referenced in any legal documentation, I'd support you, especially if you'd also remove clerics' legal rights to sanctify civil unions, too. But that's simply not going to happen.
Bitt Faulk