It was a little of both. I'm not accusing anyone of anything who doesn't ask for it. I'm just so tired of the accusations, and I realize I'm sort of being hypocritical as a result of my last post, but it just gets to me and I usually just can't help but be defensive. So, I appologize for that.
*pre-emptive edit*
I had written up this long, protracted explanation as to why I just can't wrap my mind around the concept of this sticker thing, but I came off sounding way too much like a clichéd and cynical grouch

I'll just say that there are about 5 connected reasons this doesn't make sense to me, and if I ever come into contact with these military representatives (I've never seen them), I'll give them $10 from my wallet if I have it (which I don't), and refuse the sticker.