
Ah, 'twas a bad spell-check/typo joke: O'Brian's Aubrey plied the waves and played the violin.

So I realised, but it appears my google-fu isn't fully up to speed, found the gent, but not the violin stuff on him...

(boy, oh, boy, this BBS is getting spidered fast. I Googled on "jack aubrey violin" and added "ply" by mistake and this thread came right up...)
Even google recognizes quality...

Michael, you are not using music references as a device *just* to link photos of georgeous female fiddlers, are you? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!

Who me!? banish the thought!! (not that I was unhappy about the link to Venessa Mae )

I swear, I'm gonna turn into a dirty old man when I get old[er] ...