my last canoe (slalom kayak) grew a bit small on me (or was it the other way around ) and took on an appearance more like a submarine at the slightest provocation - a little water inside, leaning far forward etc, which made for some fun behaviour if you first brought it up to speed then leaned forward with a bit of water inside... Going down! and then popping back up - unless you forgotto close the sprayskirt

Definitely sounds like fun - but not something you want to do in Amsterdam. The water in the canals is something you prefer to keep outside...

What's the whitewater situation like in Holland? - I could imagine it to be somewhat meagre

Well, you can always surf the wake of the (hundreds of) sightseeing tourist boats

Never tried sailing - except as a passive passenger on Nicorettte (currently taking part in thr Sidney-Hobart race -nutters! I say...but it looks like they did real well apart from staying alive and keeping the boat in one piece, which in this race is "doing well" )

Yes, ocean races are *tough*!!
Isn't it tricky with the winds dowb in the canals?

Well, yes - especially as the kayaks aren't very good at sailing into the wind. So sailing is best reserved to the lakes and bigger rivers.

But an outboarder is more my style... add some cold cathode lights and we can cruise in pimpin' style

Ahh, yes. Especially through the Red Light District in the evening. Now I just have to find a waterproof case (and amp) fro the empeg