I find that tree-hugging rhetoric about 'raping Mother Earth' silly and conter-productive. Humans are, after all, animals like any other and are expected to make most of environment for their own good.
Who expects that? Animals kill one another and some even manage to destroy their habitat. Are you suggesting there is some sort Oversight Board or greater power that might expect something like that? Them's fightin' words in these parts! 
Anyway, he was just joking. Us conservatives, believe it or not, do not spend our days drving 4x4s, shooting our guns, beating our wives, drinking beer, watching Nascar or raping the forests.
And I actually agree with you on some of the points you made regarding this, but I'd rather save them for another thread. This one is bloated enough.
stereotypical redneck barbarians
The Rednecks have cut off all ties with the The Goths, The Mongols, The Huns, and the Vikings! This is Europes problem now! 
Brad B.