SWMBO bought a Nintendo DS recently which is quite good. She didn't want to wait until September(?) for the PSP.

We had a very quick go on the Nintendo at a stand they had outside the cinema the other day, I can't say I was impressed. What is the point of the 2nd screen ??? I can only watch one at a time, so isn't it just something that runs the battery down twice as fast as it should do ???

I have never really liked games consoles, esp. hand held ones, I really don't see the point. The ultimate handheld gaming experience has already been invented, Umm a Gameboy with an original Tetris Cart in it . I really don't get the flashy graphics on such a small screen.

I was really hoping by the next gen of streetwise pocket devices the major corps would start putting all the different pocket gadgets we all have into one little kick ass one.

Imagine the ultimate Music/Video-Player come Phone come Camera come PDA come Games-Machine. Then I would buy a handheld console! It would have to sync with my PC/Mac over some kind of mega fast wireless link as soon as I walk in the door, and never need a charge. Am I asking too much ???

