I imagine the bachelors have a different view of this than I do.

Hell yea we do

I mean, at the moment I can choose to lug the TV and the X-Box into anyone of the 3 bedrooms or 3 bathrooms on any of the 3 floors I have to myself at the moment, and I can do it all naked without getting told to "tidy it away". I can even play pinball at 2 in the morning if I can't sleep, now that's something you really can't get in your pocket! Even without the car battery

Although this lifestyle does have it's draw backs, for example I hardly have time to play X-Box due to the huge amount of jobs I have to do in a week (wash pants, wash dishes, vac/sweep floor, clean 3 bloody bathrooms etc...), and then there is all the DIY I put on myself. Although I point blank refuse to do ANY ironing, I just don't see the point, if you hang your shirts up wet they look okish for work.

I could hire a maid I guess, gotta be cheaper than a wife

