You sure that your insurance company won't get you a rental while this stuff is working out?

Yeah, of course, i waived that extra 5 dollar a month fee or something, so no rental car for me.

Are you completely OK, Loren? No sore neck from whiplash, strained tendons, bruised knees...?

Thanks for all the "glad you're okays"... i appreciate it. After it sunk in and i was staring at the wreck, i realized how mild it felt. I didn't even think about the danger i had been exposed to because the hit was less than backing into a curb...they really design those crumple zones well. That, and that my car went under the car in front of me (a four door Civic) helped lessen the impact. I don't even remember feeling the seat belt lock.

may I suggest you, in case your car gets totaled, as you like hatchbacs, get a VW Golf?

Yup... If it is the case that they total it.... I'm gonna have some tough choices to make. If i get a NEW car, that is exactly what i was gonna get. A VR6. 2.8 engine Golf....mmmm. I drove a old style bug all through high school, and i know that VW feeling that Reggie's talking about. A friend of mine took me for a spin in his and damn...those things have some pickup. If i ended up not being able to afford a new car, i'm fairly positive i'd buy another Civic Si. I loved that's one of my favorite body shapes ever... i have no idea why.

If they don't total the car be certain that the body shop uses OEM parts.

Thanks for the tip!!!!! I hadn't even thought about it, i assumed that they just would. I'll definitely get on them about that tomorrow when i find out what's gonna happen.

Ugh, it all hinges on tomorrow... Either i sit back and wait for my car to get fixed ... or i have to go car shoppin'. Waiting is hell.

Pics of the entire incident are up here. Notice the shots of the stopped traffic, both ways for 5 minutes while the tow truck came, and me on the cell phone talking to my insurance company. There are shots of the car in front of me as well, only minor scratches, no dents. Amazin' eh? She slammed on her brakes to stop WAY short of the car in front of her, and i hit the brakes, which quickly locked up (ABS my ass) and slid into her. Nothing i coulda done, but i'm sure it'll be called my fault. Ah well...higher insurance here i come.

Thanks again guys. =]

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