Thanks, but when you look for a used car, especially a rare variation of an uncommon car, you don't have much choice in colors. I would have preferred a metalic gray or even the dark blue, but they only imported 100 928 GT's in '90 so there were only 3-4 on the market in the entire country when I was looking last summer. The red does look good though.

I was REAL lucky that this one turned up only 250 miles away so I was able to drive with a friend to inspect and purchase it and return home the same night.

It's an awesome car, and I paid less for it than my new Explorer (though it's 10 years old). I've had it on the track once and now I'm hooked. It's the only safe place to open it up and really push it close to it's limits, and my limits are still far from it's limits.

I highly recommend the car, and for the same price as that Honda you could get a NICE 928S, probably '84-'86 and have a fast, wonderfully handling Grand Touring car with a unique style.

Mk2, 40gb (2gb free!), blue
Mk2, 40gb (2gb free!), blue