ARRRGH... Insurance companies move slower than molasses in a freezer. I got an estimate from the body shop yesterday... $5100, and they said they were going to tear it down some more for a "more detailed" estimate, which sounds bad. Yeesh. So now i won't know 'til Thursday what the situation is. Just spoke with the Ins. company and they are saying it's probably a total loss, but it's borderline. Honestly, at this point, i'd be glad for them to fix it and i can go along my merry way without another headache of new car shopping. But, I'm already looking around online for used Civic SI's.. and people are asking way high prices. Not to mention the SI hatchbacks are damn near impossible to find.

Do I want a car note.... that's the question... I'm fairly sure the answer's NuhUh. Waiting is so reminds me of waiting for my empeg from customs! Only, in this case i don't know if it's going to arrive in tiny pieces or not.

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