
Couple of comments..

The caching is one of our best features - it doesn't glitch playback, especially not for 10-20 seconds. There was an earlier software version that had a slight problem, but I'm pretty sure that 1.02 (the latest released version) isn't it. The same goes for not saving the unit state at power loss - shouldn't happen, and certainly doesn't for me (on 1.1 or 1.02).

Have you tried examining the serial output to check that one of the disks isn't throwing back errors? You seem to think that the problem tracks are always on one particular disk?

Also, developing the Rio Receiver had zero impact on the tuner module. The delays have all been hardware related, and we didn't do the hardware for the Receiver - in fact we do almost no hardware in house. As it happens the module wound up being redesigned by SONICblue, resulting in several new features.

I'm sure we never promised a release date for 1.1 - although an early version was demonstrated at the Netherlands meet last year. Unlike previous software releases, 1.1 is such a fundamental change that we had to branch the source and hold back the regular beta releases in favour of getting the whole job finished. A small team of clients have had 1.1 for a few weeks and are helping us move it toward a public release - the date of that release will be whenever the bug reports stop coming in!

Last thing - Tony doesn't work for us, although if we're not careful he might start sending us invoices for carrying out a customer service role in his spare time
