
Imus was picking on the underdog, trying to be funny, and had a slip of the toung. He appologized in person to the team, so it's done. A big fat F to the media, Al Sharpton, and all the other band wagoners who want raitings by causing a stir about this.

It's not just a slip of the tongue, though. The dude's show has been chock full of cheap shots at women, blacks, jews, and any number of other minorities for a long time. The number one rule of satire is that you use it to disparage the haves, not the have-nots.

Furthermore, Al Sharpton and the media only descended on this issue after it was already being condemned and promoted by other black/womens rights groups. They did not create this controversy, Imus did. This was not his worst offense, not by a long shot, and it's no worse than what others put on the airwaves, but sometimes when you roll the dice, you seven out.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff