On the other hand, many of the things you consider to be blasphemous the artists consider to be quite the opposite. The biggest example I can think of is The Last Temptation of Christ.

I highly doubt that. The opposite of blasphemous would be holy. It's unlikely anyone involved in that project has any concept of holy and if they did, that film wouldn't be an example of it. That film wasn't done to promote any theological view that the creators hold. It was done to question an theology they oppose.

Have you actually seen the film? I'm not a Christian now, but I was the first time I saw The Last Temptation Of Christ, and I didn't find it at all blasphemous. I thought it was an interesting exercise in the redactive criticism of theology: in other words, exploring how different to the "traditional" story it could have been, while still being consistent with what was written in the Gospels. Christ being tempted by the Devil is in Scripture, so, although it's extrascriptural to have him tempted by the vision of an ordinary "2.2 kids" life with Mary Magdalene, it's not inconsistent.
