Okay, so neither Jesus nor Mary Magdalene was married, so it was not adultery, so what's the problem?

I haven't seen the film, but from what was said in the thread, it wasn't even him imagining this stuff, it was the devil putting that stuff in his head to tempt him. So I also don't see how there could be a problem, even if thinking about sex with Mary Magdalene could be defined as adultery.

Well, actually, I do see the problem: The people complaining about it have really unhealthy hangups about sex, excessively strict views of morality, and a complete ignorance (or active denial) of human nature. Not to mention the irrational belief that Jesus was somehow exempt from his own humanity. All of this, of course, handed down by the doctrine of the particular church they follow, which is really the root of the problem.

But, forgetting all that for a moment, in the context of the film, I don't see how the Devil putting ideas in Jesus' head could mean that anyone but the Devil was at fault.
Tony Fabris