Back to You = dull typical 80's sitcom.
Please say you didn't expect anything else. It had "typical" written all over it. It constantly amazes me how many of this style of sitcom series premiere every single year. Besides, can anyone name me a good laugh-track/studio audience sitcom on the air right now? That style has really gone downhill.
I'm also enjoying Pushing up Daisies, but would be willing to bet it will be cancelled.
But Bryan Fuller has such a good track record with series he's created!
I reeeeally like Wonderfalls and the first season of Dead Like Me. I hope this one sticks, though.
I was surprised at how much I like "Life." Well, relative to what I was expecting. I still wonder if the lead is capable of carrying it, though.
As for Bionic Woman, I'm not a huge fan either. I've only seen the pilot, though, so I'll see what I think of the next couple episodes and then pass judgment. Have you seen Jekyll? The lead from Bionic Woman was in that and was MUCH better. She might just not be able to get past the accent.
I continue to enjoy Reaper quite a bit.
A little off topic, but my wife got me into The Office last week. Now we're half way through the third season
So it's a new fall show for me. I can't wait to catch up, partly because at the rate we've been watching it, there are a ton of other shows piling up 