I've just watched the last ep of the Sarah Connor Chronicles and I have to say I found the series really good. It's been showing on Virgin 1 over here in the UK and when I found out I set the Myth box to record it for me thinking I'd probably watch an ep decide it was worse than T3 and not bother watching the rest. I ended up loving it so much I downloaded the remaining ep's and watched them back to back.

There has always been a special place in my heart for the Terminator franchise. I remember watching the first film long before I was really old enough (about 9 or 10) and it scared the living crap out of me. Admittedly not as much as Robocop did, I still cannot watch the scene where Murphy is gunned down, it makes me feel physically sick.

I then watched Terminator 2 when it came to video (I was about 13) and that inspired me to watch the original again and I loved it..... and that was that, I thought, the tale was told.

Fast forward 12 years and I read about T3 being in production, I read all the articles about it, watched the trailer and went to see it on it's opening day, and I hated it. I don't know what it was, maybe it was the fact Arnie is really too old to play the part convincingly, or maybe that skynet is powered by Dell, or that the movie annoyingly ends on a cliffhanger, something the previous two films didn't do. Or was it that fact they injected too much humour.... Talk to the hand? Give me a fucking break.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned the third film hasn't happened and this series is where it's at. I only hope they don't cancel it before they make a second series.

Oh, and Summer Glau is 'so' hot. Something I never really picked up on in Firefly, maybe because she was seriously odd in it, or perhaps she was overshadowed by Jewel Staite.

Andy M