They've cancelled The 4400. In my opinion, it was superior to Heroes in almost every way other than production values and marketing.
Did anyone else watch all the episodes of Journeyman? The show only improved, IMO, particularly when they started setting up some good situations around the time travel stuff. Too bad it's also canceled.
Other shows I wanted to comment on:
Jericho - why was this resurrected and not Veronica Mars?
Bionic Woman - I finally stopped watching this show (only the second show I've stopped watching in the last three years - after Jericho). What was the final straw? In the last episode, Jamie and her annoying CIA boyfriend are fighting some guys in a hotel room. To avoid gunfire, the CIA guy
hides behind a chair. Yes, you actually see bullets being stopped by a fancy upholstered chair. This is one of those situations where I'm able to suspend disbelief on big plot points, but little crap like that is just stupid and pointless. I'm done with this show.
Are there any canceled shows (not just strike-affected ones) that you guys are mad about?