Originally Posted By: DWallach
The scientific technobabble in the Terminator TV show is starting to annoy me. If, for example, time travel only works on living people, then how did the bad-guy head manage to make the jump with our cast of characters, when it had no skin left on it?

Come to think of it, how did the baddies in both T2 and T3 come back if that's the case? I haven't got inclination to read the scripts of all the films, but maybe that 'field generated by a living organism' was only true in the first film?

all of this craziness about getting the Turk is a bit silly. It's not a rare gem. It's a piece of software. There should be copies. Backups. Branches.

Maybe he was so busy drinking coffee and cracking open xbox's he forgot to put it in all in an svn repository.

I'd like to think of myself as a technical person, so nowadays I just try and ignore the technobabble. But don't get me started on CSI, how they can take 4 pixels out of a CCTV framegrab and make a whole new picture is beyond me!

Andy M