Originally Posted By: andym

Come to think of it, how did the baddies in both T2 and T3 come back if that's the case? I haven't got inclination to read the scripts of all the films, but maybe that 'field generated by a living organism' was only true in the first film?

I don't think it was ever mentioned in the second film. Of course, I thought nothing else could come through - wasn't it destroyed after Kyle was sent back?

I think Fox said that they originally intended the head to travel with full tissue but it was deemed too gory for tv so theyb were forced to re-think it. Whether that's true or not I don't know.

I find its best not to think too hard about things - just accept it!

In the Sarah Connor Chronicles, what's the deal with them being chained up in that house in the future, then getting led downstairs and hearing piano music and then released next day??

All this stuff would probably have been addressed if the scheduled run of episodes were made - it was cut short due to the writers strike.