After watching the 13th episode of Journeyman I can only say again what I said in my previous post. I wouldn't change a single thing about the show. Not any of the writing, plots, actors, direction, etc. It's been a brilliant run of 13 episodes that have only gotten stronger as they progressed. I'll be very sad to see it go.
I've got all 13 episodes recorded on my PVR which I'll have to have my fiancée watch sometime. It's one of the only shows I watch that he doesn't. The others being Reaper and Avatar.
When I mentioned Journeyman being part of my strong top 3, I wasn't including 30-minute shows nor animated series. Avatar is phenomenal and the lat few episodes have been great. I think they got off to a really slow start this season. But even last season, the second half was definitely where the money was. It's also a returning series and I mentioned Journeyman a a new series.

Animation-wise I still highly rank South Park and to a lesser extent American Dad, Family Guy and King of the Hill - I no longer watch the Simpsons.
Oh well, looks like there's nothing on for another few weeks. Time to catch up on some movies.