I wonder is Journeyman has been strong enough to warrant another network picking it up?
If Aint it Cool's coverage of it over the last few weeks is to be believed...no.
It's been pretty clear for a long while that the show wasn't getting the ratings, and as Bruno and I were hinting at, at one point NBC wasn't even going to air the last few episodes. I think they wanted to play out all their new content before the holiday break, and the only way they were able to do that was to give Journeyman and Life each 3 episodes in 10 days.
After watching the 13th episode of Journeyman I can only say again what I said in my previous post. I wouldn't change a single thing about the show. Not any of the writing, plots, actors, direction, etc. It's been a brilliant run of 13 episodes that have only gotten stronger as they progressed. I'll be very sad to see it go.
Likewise. I thought the ending was rather beautiful and a fitting finale to a show that had a lot of promise. It's a shame that it gained steam late. I think some people might have bailed early on.
When I mentioned Journeyman being part of my strong top 3, I wasn't including 30-minute shows nor animated series. Avatar is phenomenal and the lat few episodes have been great. I think they got off to a really slow start this season. But even last season, the second half was definitely where the money was. It's also a returning series and I mentioned Journeyman a a new series.

Oh, I know what you were saying in your rankings

I just wanted to stress that not only was Pushing Daisies my favorite new show, it's in my top three
over-all. I guess that technically, Avatar got off to a slow start, but that's never been an issue with me, as I don't believe I've been let down by a single episode. Each one has more great writing, character development, fun, and heart than any other show I've
ever seen. I'm going to have to see how the third season plays out, but if it's able to top the last two episodes, and they stop the series there, then Avatar has a chance at being my favorite show of all time...
Oh well, looks like there's nothing on for another few weeks. Time to catch up on some movies.

This period of time is going to be killer for a TV junkie like me! I'm going to have to go outside! Ugh!
Luckily I just started reading again (which has never been big with me). If you're a superhero geek, I highly recommend "Soon I Will Be Invincible" by Austin Grossman. It's a lot of fun.