I've been doing a great job because:
The first thing I do after waking up and turning off my alarm clock is logging in to Travian. It really helps me wake up by activating my brain. But I wind up there for 45 minutes with another 15 minutes before leaving for work, late, after wolfing down breakfast and not packing a lunch because I have no time.

I log in once or twice at work. For over five years at my job, I spent essentially no personal time playing online or chatting on AIM. I deducted time on personal phone calls from my work day, making it up later. And I do that for Travian, but at 30 minutes a day, my deficit of time is adding up.

The first thing I do when I get home from work is log in to send out raids, build things and review raiding data. I try to make it quick so I can do work until my raids come in hours later for me to send out before bed, but I often get sucked in.

And I know this is a problem. Like an addict, my habit is making me short change other things (ie: time for breakfast). I'm covering up my habit, minimizing the window at work if someone comes by; and I'm guilty all along. This isn't me. I don't sneak around and hide stuff like this.

Maybe there is a way to play less. But I'm so addicted to production efficiency, raiding opportunity, maximizing troop potential, etc. And the clock is ticking: log in xyz hours from now or your storehouses will overflow, etc, etc.

Failing a way to moderate my involvement, I've got to give it up.

My current, and hopefully final, stats 2.4meg PDF
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set