Sorry to derail the thread at all, but I wanted to add that I'm also considering taking the plunge and going Mac. It won't be a complete shift, because I'll certainly be running Boot Camp at the very least, probably Fusion or Parallels. I just had a few questions because at the moment, the number one obstacle is cost. I've concluded that I'm going to have to get nothing less than a baseline Mac Pro (I already have a cheap laptop that wouldn't scare me if dropped, and an iMac would make my 30" monitor kind of unnecessary).
Now, if we compare the same computer selling on Amazon and Apple's stores, I can get in on Amazon for about $250 less (I didn't think you could get anything Apple sold for less anywhere). Is that the best I can do? I'm certainly never going to let Apple add RAM to a machine (at what looks like a 500% markup), but is there anywhere else I can shave off the price? I've looked at the refurbs, and it looks like I can either get last year's model, or spend $4100. That's not going to happen.
I have two questions as far as longevity of my purchase (since I've never spent this much on a computer): 1) does anyone see any major advancements coming in say the next 6 months that would suggest holding off for something better or a price drop? 2) How easy is it to overclock the dual 2.8GHz quad-core Mac Pro?
Then I have one more question relating to computer use: when it comes to computers, I am a man who lives and dies by his folder structures. That's simply how I have to organize myself. Given that I have almost next to no experience with the Mac OS, do you think it will still be conducive to my computing habits? Here's a good example: will iTunes allow me to organize my files on the Mac just as it does on the PC?
Thanks for the help, and sorry for derailing this thread