Originally Posted By: wfaulk
There's seldom really any useful plot information in an action scene anyway. It's just eye candy. I've long been of the opinion that they should just leave them out. I don't go to the movies to see that kind of thing, at least not any more. If I want big explosions and whatnot, a video game is more immersing anyway.

I would partially agree with you, but I do like to see really well done action sequences, and I think it is possible for them to add to the film overall. For example the opening scene of Quantum of Solace is an action packed scene which ends with Bond opening the boot of his car to reveal the reason for the whole scene.

Avatar, to me, doesn't have the depth to the story to back up the action. It's just all action. I think it's a shame that directors are dumbing down cinema on a continuing basis. After all isn't the point of cinema to tell a tale? What's so wrong with doing it well? Some of my favourite movies of all time have no explosions, no car chases and almost no action at all. They still made it to the list.

