Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Why not just uninstall all the virus-scanning software? I haven't run any on my many Windows machines in the past 15 years. Do they actually do anything? Besides make your computer slow and crash other software?

Use the right anti virus (with the right settings) and it doesn't slow you down or crash other software. Use the wrong anti virus and I can be a nightmare (I'm looking at you Norton).

I worked one place a few years ago that installed Norton on every machine. I caused huge hassles on our developer machines, as it would cause a huge slow down every time a new exe was created, which being developers was a dozen times an hour...

AVG has saved me from infections/trojans a handful of times in the last 10 years, all of those times when receiving files/emails from family members or colleagues. I've probably had twice as many false alarms, but at least AVG make those fairly easy to deal with.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday