Most of the items that potentially interrupt Tunebite seem to be running as services. (search indexing, anti-virus, updaters...) There are command lines that can be used to stop those services, then later restart them. Put the stop commands in one batch file, then others in a second.

Or, create one batch file that stops the services runs tunebite, then restarts them.


How can I stop and start services from the command line?

A. This can be accomplished using the
net stop <service name>
net start <service name>
A full list of the exact services is found in the registry (run regedit.exe) under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services key.

Alternatively, you can perform the stop and start using the name that is showed in the Services Control Panel applet by putting the name in quotes, i.e.
net stop "<service>"
net start "<service>"

Edit: don't use <>'s
net stop "Windows Update"
net start "Windows Update"

Note: rebooting the machine will restart all the stopped services.

Edited by gbeer (15/02/2010 21:09)