What I was really getting at is that you have no way of knowing that people (candidates for public office) who aren't constantly talking about religion aren't religious, and their views on religion might actually line up more closely with your own that you think. They might not. But I think that the assumption that people who talk more about Christianity must be more Christian is faulty, yet very easy to fall into. In addition, you might find that even those people who are not Christian might better share your codes of ethics and morals, even if they derive from a different source.

That may, of course, also not be the case, but I think putting that thumb of Christian talking points on the scale is unsound.

To be more succinct:
  • Just because a person does not talk about Christianity does not make him un-Christian.
    • In fact, it's easily possible for that person to be more Christian.
  • If actions speak louder than words, what real, corporeal difference does the source of inspiration for those actions make?
Bitt Faulk