I'm also sad to see Outsourced go (and I thought I was the only one!) It started out a bit too cheesy, but really developed into a fun, lighth-hearted comedy with entertaining characters -- certainly better than anything The Office did last year -- but the anemic ratings still killed it. The show they're replacing it with ("Whitney") looks awful -- I can't imagine what studio exec thought Whitney Cummings was worthy of placement in a decent timeslot on network television, but I hope they're out of a job after it gets canceled in a few weeks.

In terms of new shows, my wife has insisted that we give "Up All Night" a shot, though my hopes aren't high -- I like Maya Rudolph a lot, but Will Arnett and Christina Applegate doesn't seem like a recipe for success to me.

We'll continue to watch the zombie corpses of The Office and 30 Rock, mainly out of habit, but those shows really stalled out last season. Community, Parks and Rec, How I Met Your Mother, and "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" were all excellent last year, so we're looking forward to those.

It's not really a "Fall" show, but Breaking Bad continues to be the best drama on TV, and despite starting out a bit slow this season, has been flat-out phenomenal the last few weeks. Too bad the season will end in a month or so.

We also need to finish Season 2 of Archer so we can start watching in quasi-real time.
- Tony C
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