Yeah, I was kinda bummed about Free Agents. It wasn't a great show by any means, but it was at least as good as the slop that 30 Rock threw out there last season, and given enough (read: any) support from NBC/Kabletown, could have blossomed into a really entertaining show.

I agree that Free Agents would have been a better fit for the Thursday 9:30 slot. "Whitney" is obviously in the "Two and a Half Men" category of dreadful shows that idiot Americans rot their brains with, and would have probably gotten good ratings on any night.

Whitney's other creation, "2 Broke Girls", is a complete nightmare, with terrible one-liners punctuated by a laugh track, cringe-inducing cheap racial humor, and all-around bad acting from most of the cast. Of course that one will probably survive, too.

Breaking Bad is done for the season. It was a very strong season with a rather weak finale, in my opinion. Looks like I'll have some free time to make a dent in my Netflix queue now.
- Tony C
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