The new shows my wife and I tuned into this week were "2 Broke Girls", "Free Agents, and "The New Girl." (She also watched "The Playboy Club", but she said it was a train wreck, and won't be watching it again.)

Of the shows we've seen, I think Free Agents has the most going for it. I'm not sure any of them will make it past this season, but if they can tone down the annoying factor of a couple of the supporting characters a bit, Free Agents could be an entertaining comedy. It seems to be the kind of show that, like Parks and Rec, is going to need a half a season or so to really develop the characters, but if they do that right, I think it could be a winner.

"2 Broke Girls" was definitely the weakest of the three. The first episode had its moments, but I just don't know if there's enough to make an entertaining show week after week. It's right after How I Met Your Mother, and I suspect CBS will do what they can to keep it alive, but unless the next couple episodes are singificantly better, we'll stop recording.

"The New Girl" fell somewhere in-between. Zooey Deschanel is a fine actress, of course, but I think they're aiming for a quirky, nerdy off-beat lead character, and instead, she just comes off as unbelievably stupid. If they can dial that down a bit and develop some of the supporting cast, it could be fun to watch, but again, I think it's going to need more than a half a dozen episodes to come into its own.

I'll check it out. The Office started off surprisingly well this week -- still not sold on James Spader in that role, but I'm not sure the show needs to focus on the boss as much now. Parks and Rec and Community are still the best two shows on TV. And, after a medicore start to the season, this week's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was hysterical -- maybe the best episode in years.
- Tony C
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