Got links to any of those articles? I ask because all of the contemporaneous articles I found were reporting the findings of the GAO report I linked to above, which in turn relied on questonnaires sent to employers (appendix 1 of the PDF explains the methodology.)

I don't think you can take an employer's response to a questionnaire as proof, and the GAO report alludes to the problems inherent in doing so:


The questionnaire responses cannot be used to make inferences about all employers and workers in each insular area, or about all employers and workers in the covered industries. First, because the lists of employers that received the questionnaire were intended to include only those in the American Samoa tuna canning and CNMI tourism industries who had responded to our 2009 questionnaire (with more than 50 employees), the lists were not representative of all employers or of all employers in those industries. Second, we were unable to survey employers that had closed between 2007 and our questionnaire date, including those in the CNMI garment industry. Third, some nonresponse bias may exist in some of the questionnaire responses, since characteristics of questionnaire respondents may differ from those of nonrespondents and nonrecipients in ways that affect the responses (e.g., if those that employ a larger number of workers would have provided different responses than those that employ a smaller number). Last, it is possible that some employers’ views of the minimum wage increases may have influenced their responses.

I wasn't able to find any news stories that didn't rely primarily on the results of this GAO report. What did you find?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff