I love my empeg. It lives in my Subaru during the day currently, but when I finish this guy over winter; it will live mostly in this. My 1986 Pontiac Fiero GT which now has a 4.0L Oldsmobile Aurora V8 in it and a F23 5-speed manual transmission from the 00'-02' Quad-4 Cavalier. Triple layshaft design, thick 5-speed gears. Very robust. Anyhow. I'm putting an empeg sled and an amp in there. Already built the speakers up and ran the wiring. Just need to buy the amp, build the sub box then finish the empeg wiring and the audio portion will be done. Here are the pictures:
On top of the sunroof there you can see the dash console panel I made in which the empeg lives.

Here's the interior. Custom gauges and panels. Haven't painted the one with the empeg. Thinking about replacing it with carbon possibly? Not sure if I'm That Guy™ or not. I don't think I am.

At the top of the dash here, you can see the factory cutouts for the garbage ~30 year old GM 4x10s. I've replaced them with a set of CDT Audio ES-04 4" drivers and aluminum-dome 1" Aura tweeters in custom 1/4" ABS adapter plates. The factory cloth grilles even drop right in all perfect.

I can't seem to find any pictures of the speakers I assembled. I used four-pin Molex connectors for quick disconnect and everything. Both Mouser and Digi-Key have
excellent selections of Molex and even factory GM wire connectors. Anyway, I'll have to take some pictures of them this weekend.
Here's the sub and box that I've gotten as far with as mocking up in cardboard. I'll weld up a few mounts to hold it right under the passenger side dash. I've got a grill for the sub, so even if it gets kicked, no worries. I'll also mount the amplifier to the box.

I'll have to work on those speaker pictures. But I do plan on finishing this car this winter. Almost done with it, anyway. I bought it in March '05 and started working on it in '07 sometime. It's been quite a while.
Here are a few bonus pictures:

Hope that's not too many pictures. Should be a lot of fun when it's done.
Also, I used a lot of solid mounts and stiff springs so it'll be a tough ride for the hard drives. I just haven't been having any luck with my 256GB SSD drive, so I went back to spinny metal thingies. Anyway, Lots of vibrations and shaking. I'd prefer to keep the discs spun down as much possible, regardless of playback quality. What setting(s) in config.ini should I be using?