I'd seen this on the Verge, but hadn't checked my cable out. Thanks for the Amazon link, Dan.

Woohoo!! I lucked out! I bought this one without much research. He gave it 5 stars and seems to consider it one of the best ones. Wow, I usually end up with the crap 3rd party product.

Yesterday I changed things around and instead of using the LG USBC charger/cable in my nightstand, I'm going to keep it out in the kitchen for emergency charges. There's simply no need for rapid charging on my nightstand, where the phone is just going to sit for 5-7 hours anyway. But when I get home at the end of the day and want to make certain I get through the rest of the evening (maybe I'm going out somewhere), it'll be nice to be able to quickly fill up.

Eventually I'll buy some official type-C chargers and cables, but I'll probably wait until I have other devices that use it.