
Better bug reporting may help us: if the volume is going up, does pressing and releasing the volume up button stop it? Does pressing and releasing volume down help? Do any buttons work? Does the remote work in this circumstance? Anything special, eg track border, middle of track, etc.

Everytime this has happened to me, pressing the left or right buttons on the front panel has cured the problem. When it gets very loud then I tend to pull the unit to ensure that I don't wreck my eardrums (or the speakers for that matter).

Since this seems to happen to me on a reasonably regular basis, perhaps there is a switch I can set on the empeg to log things? Perhaps a specific kernel from you guys which logs what you need to know - particularly if you've got an idea on what you are looking for.

I'm happy to try and test things out for you guys, but normally when it happens I'm in the car, driving so I don't have the time to start playing with the empeg to give you guys loads of debugging information. I'll try and replicate it here at home, but as you say, it doesn't happen a lot.

For me anyway, just slowing down the speed of the volume control would eliminate an enourmous amount of keypresses, which would make it less common (I imagine).

This is still a relatively important issue, to me anyway.



Paul Haigh, 6GB, Blue
Reg: 4120 - Serial 00254
Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120 (mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254 (mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357