Agreed - Linux currently appears to have the slight edge over Mac OS whichever. Okay this is still way behind Microsoft, but gaining ground.

On the server side, as djc pointed out, more and more companies, organisations and governments are relying on linux. Even power computing and analysis is going the way of the linux cluster.

With countries like Peru and Brazil mandating linux for government bodies (as a way to avoid the Microsoft lock-in), and Gremany on the bandwagon as well, the movememnt is really gaining ground with budget conscious groups.

And now China - well, the single largest country (population wise) is going very linux. This might have an impact. Seems like there are already more Chinese online than Americans, and they have only just begun.

And from personal experience I have seen banks, oil companies and utilities moving off MS, purely because of the worms, viruses and other popular things script kiddies do to MS platforms. Even going so far as building desktops which look and feel like Windows, but are actually XFree86 based.

So Linux - huge success in public arena, and getting much more so.
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock