Saddam was enough of a friend that Rumsfeld and co. were happy to sell him all sorts of nasty weapons.

So if that's true, then i guess we should have let him stay then. If he's such a good friend of the Bush administration, why do the liberals like him so much?

Have you seen any of the material about the effects of all that depleted uranium the US has vapourized all over Iraq and Afghanistan?

No, elaborate some.

Actually, no, I wouldn't kill them. I'd be pissed off at them, and if they were caught, I'd certainly press charges, but I wouldn't kill them. What are you... the mafia?

Ok, good. let's press charges against Osama Bin Laden. GWB will call 911 and in no time the global police will have a warrant for Osama's arrest and have him in cuffs. Good idea.

Does wiping out a couple nations bring back the victims from the dead?

It prevents it from happenning in the future.

And how was going to war with Iraq "justice", when not a single one of the perps was from, or was supported by Iraq? Shouldn't we have been going to war with Saudi Arabia?

That's typical liberal logic. All the liberals would still be whining their asses off if we went to war with Saudi Arabia instead. (unless of course Gore was president, then it would be the right thing to do.) Right now you'd be saying, "Look at Iraq, there is evidence that they are actually trying to build a nuke, they killed thousands of innocent people with toxic gas, and they openly support terrorism. Shouldn't we be invading Iraq instead?"

This is an ongoing war against all ragheads who hate the US. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are cooperating with the effort to find terrorists.

Ah, yes. What would Ghandi and Martin Luther King have been able to do if they didn't have their weapons at hand?

You're right, guns are bad and evil. Murder wasn't even a word before the gun was invented.

If it's worth killing them for then, then why the hell don't you get off your ass now, and try and prevent them from gaining that power to begin with?

Maybe I am? How the fuck would you know? Why don't you tell us what you're doing to accomplish this?