OK, I kind of understand both sides of this story. What Jeff I believe was trying to relay is that morals based solely on what you "feel" are worthless. Off the wall example, but consider a two lane highway being reduced to one. Traffic flows MUCH more smoothly for all involved if people just merge when they are told. But no, there's always some [censored] that tries to push it to the limit and cut in front of everyone in line, screwing the works for everyone. In other words, personal morals have little value if not measured against anything else. Even if these morals are only measured against happiness for mankind, they still become a valid set of morals.

As to diety based morals being a type of slavery, this is also a wrong assumption. The idea is that God knows better for us than we do, and we'd be a lot happier in our daily lives if we do what's suggested. If one looks at the bible in a critical way, you will find that the vast majority of the morals pushed in the bible are just a good idea. The closer you can align yourself to the teachings of the Bible, the happier you tend to be. It's not a matter of subjugating yourself to someone else's will for the sake of them walking all over you. it's the belief that doing so will bring you a long, happy, peaceful life.