BTW, what is it that makes Christians (all three descendants of ancient judaism, actually) so obsessed with sex?

Wanted to get back to this, but as I'm no Talmudic scholar, I wanted to check with the source, which meant catching up wth my co-ex-wife. She reinforced my impression that for the time (and yet, for the Middle East) Jewish law was remarkably liberal regarding women and sex. At least women HAD some rights, as opposed to being regarded as chattel...! A new Fact of the Day: It is in Jewish law that a man has a moral duty to sexually satisfy his wife...what a concept.

And Christ was a pretty tolerant guy, as demonstrated by the story of the woman taken in adultery; I know zip about the Koran's stance. But as in the other cases, I suspect, the further one gets away from the original ideology, the more corrupted the principles become in codification and practice.

Edited by wfaulk (11/11/2004 12:28)