Wow, fantastic information and advice in this thread. Thanks very much, guys!

Bitt, the explanation of the 252 versus 254 netmask is especially eye-opening. I was completely unaware of that.

John, thanks for the explanation of the internal/external addressing. I think part of my confusion was due to most of that being either hidden or not configurable on my Netopia DSL router.

I think it'll be a heck of a lot easier to just put your modem in bridge mode and then plug it into your SonicWall and manage the rest from there (using the same settings you're using now.)

I'd pretty much come to this conclusion myself last night, actually. It's simply a pain trying to configure that Netopia DSL router to do what I want. It's got a check box for bridge mode, I should just reset the thing and put it in bridge mode, then do everything from the sonicwall.
Tony Fabris