Originally Posted By: JBjorgen

No advice, but I'll be up that way at the end of the month, and I'd like to volunteer to help test. I'll bring the steak.

Cool... what brings you to Pennsyltucky?

Originally Posted By: wfaulk

Also, steel grates have a tendency to stick, stainless included. I would strongly suggest heavy cast iron grates, which also retain heat better.

Yeah, they retain heat better, but also take longer to preheat, which will end up wasting a lot of energy considering my general usage pattern is to preheat, throw a few things on, cook for a few minutes, then turn the grill off. I also know I'll be too lazy/forgetful to treat cast iron grates properly. I do worry about getting a good sear on stainless, but the availability of an infrared burner for quick searing should narrow the gap a bit.

At this point, I'm really leaning toward the Napoleon PT600RBI, though I do wish the cart were stainless instead of galvanized. I can't seem to find anything in the same price range with a stainless cart and an infrared burner, but I'm still looking.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff