Only new shows we are watching is what we can download off of iTunes (I've been too lazy to set up an antenna thus far- when I have a real need I'll set one up). So here's our small list:

-CSI (Yes, I know Just Bieber has a reoccuring role this season and we're still watching- I guess it's just . . . comfortable?)


-Fringe (Actually, I'm still catching up, but my wife is in love with the show and will be watching the new episodes as they come out).

As soon as Chuck is available we'll be watching that one- it's the one I'm anticipating the most, but actually I'm glad it will be available later as I can hardly handle the number of shows we are watching now given my work schedule.

We also may start watching Community- but if we do we'll be starting with older episodes and catching up.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.