By the way, my wife and I have both stopped watching The Cape. Sometimes she'll stop watching something and I'll keep going, but there was something about the preview at the end of last week's episode that made me think "man, that just looks like it's going to be awful," and I immediately canceled the season pass.

I have a continuity issue to raise with anyone who saw last week's episode that you might be able to help clarify with me:

Toward the end of the episode, The Cape and Scales are fighting on top of the last car on the train. Their fight ends with Scales knocking The Cape over the side of the train. Scales then climbs down the ladder of that car and stands in-between the last two cars. After a little talk between him and Chess, the last car gets separated from the train.

A moment later, we get The Cape returning to the top of the second to last car (which is now the last car).

My problem with this is that it's either lazy or they just screwed up. They either forgot where The Cape fell off the train, or they just didn't want to show him climbing along the side to the next car.

Please let me know if I'm remembering this wrong...