whooping 600ccm, 30HP 2-cylinder horizontally opposed air-cooled engines,

Are you sure about that, Dragi? I seem to recall that the 2CV had considerably less power than that -- something in the neighborhood of 18 horsepower?

Regardless, the 2CV is a true milestone, one of the best cars ever made. I think it would not be improper to put the 2CV into the same exalted category as the Model T Ford, and the original Volkswagen. These were machines that quite literally changed the world, bringing incredibly reliable transportation to the masses at affordable prices.

I would not hesitate for an instant to start off on a cross-country trip of any duration over any terrain that any modern car could negotiate, in a 2CV. If the trip were grueling enough, almost certainly the 2CV would last longer than I would.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"