"The first 2CVs, designated 'A' series, had a 375cc engine and were rated at two horsepower on the French fiscal rating (hence its name 2CV or 'two horses')"

375ccm engine actually had 12HP. As your qoute says, 2CV is fiscal rating (for taxation purposes) which has almost nothing to do with actual power (and CV is an acronym which, I think, means Catégoire Vehicules or something like that, certainly not Chevaux). Later model 2CVs had the same engine as Diane, but the later was rated 6CV. I don't know whether this scale is still used, but last time I heard about it 'normal' sedans were in 18CV or 20CV category. Of course, popular nickname 'Deux Chevaux' did want to stress that the thing did not have much more that 2HP.

...but I'm still not sure I'd trade in a good pair of blue jeans for a 2CV. :)

Well, I was not paying for mine much more.

Did you ever drive a dune buggy with very soft suspension? Well, the sensation is similar when you roll that canvas roof...
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue